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What Is the Relevance of Technology?

Technology (from Greek τέχνη, techne, “art, ability, cunning of hand”; and -λογία, -logia[1]) is the making, change, utilization, and understanding of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and techniques of agency technology definition so that you can clear up a hassle, enhance a preexisting approach to a problem, achieve an intention, deal with an carried out input/output relation or carry out a specific characteristic. It can also talk to gathering such equipment, including machinery, changes, arrangements, and strategies. Technologies notably affect humans and different animal species’ capability to manipulate technology definition and adapt to their natural environments technology definition. The term can either be implemented generally or to unique regions: examples encompass construction generation, scientific era, and records generation.


Both definitions revolve around the identical thing – utility and usage.

Technology is an enabler.

Many human beings mistakenly trust its miles generation, which drives innovation. Yet from the definitions above, that is virtually now not the case. It is the opportunity that defines innovation and technology which permits innovation. Think of the conventional “Build a higher mousetrap” instance taught in most commercial enterprise schools. You would possibly have the technology to build a better mousetrap; however, if you have no mice or the antique mousetrap works well, there may be no possibility that the generation to build a higher one turns into beside the point. On the other hand, if you are overrun with mice, then the possibility exists to innovate a product using your generation.

Another example, one with which I am in detail acquainted, are customer electronics startup corporations. I’ve been related to each people who succeeded and people that failed. Each possessed particular leading aspect technology. The difference became the opportunity. Those that failed could not find the possibility to expand a meaningful innovation using their generation. In reality, to survive, those businesses needed to morph normally into something definitely specific, and if they had been fortunate, they might take advantage of derivatives in their authentic generation. More often than no longer, the authentic technology wound up in the scrap heap. As a consequence, technology is an enabler whose ultimate fee proposition is to make improvements to our lives. To be applicable, it needs to be used to create innovations driven by the aid of possibility.

Technology as a competitive advantage?

Many corporations list an era as one of their aggressive blessings. Is this valid? In some cases, sure, however In maximum cases, no.

Technology develops along paths – an evolutionary direction and a progressive direction.

A progressive era allows new industries or allows solutions to troubles that had been formerly not feasible. The semiconductor era is a good example. Not handiest did it spawn new industries and products; however, it spawned other modern technologies – transistor generation, integrated circuit era, microprocessor technology. All of which provide a lot of the goods and services we consume these days. But is semiconductor generation an aggressive advantage? Looking at the number of semiconductor agencies that exist today (with new ones forming each day), I’d say no longer. How about microprocessor generation? Again, no. Lots of microprocessor corporations available. How approximately quad-core microprocessor technology? Not as many groups; however, you have Intel, AMD, ARM, and several groups constructing custom quad-center processors (Apple, Samsung, Qualcomm, etc.). So again, not tons of aggressive advantages. Competition from competing for technology and clean get admission to IP mitigates any precise technology’s perceived aggressive benefit. Android vs. iOS is a great example of the way this works. Both running structures are derivatives of UNIX. Apple used their technology to introduce iOS and won an early marketplace gain. However, using their variant of Unix (a competing era), Google caught up incredibly speedy. The reasons for this lie not inside the underlying generation, but in how the goods made feasible with the aid of that technology have been delivered to the marketplace (unfastened vs. Walled lawn, and many others.) and the variations within the strategic visions of every business enterprise.

The evolutionary era is one that incrementally builds upon the bottom revolutionary generation. But by its very nature, the incremental trade is less difficult for a competitor to healthy or leapfrog. Take, for instance, wi-fi cellular phone generation. Company V brought 4G products before Company A. While it can have had a short time period benefit, as soon as Company A added their 4G merchandise, the advantage due to era disappeared. The customer went back to choosing Company A or Company V based on price, carrier, coverage, whatever, but not based totally on generation. This technology could have been applicable in the short term; however, it became beside the point inside a long time. In contemporary global, technology tend to end up commoditized quickly, and inside any specific technology lies the seeds of its very own dying.

Technology’s Relevance

This article was written from the perspective of an given up purchaser. From a developer/designer perspective, things get murkier. The further one is removed from the era, the much less relevant it will become. To a developer, the generation can seem like a product. However, a permitting product is a product although, and as a result, it’s miles fantastically relevant. Bose uses a proprietary signal processing generation to permit products that meet hard and fast marketplace necessities. As a consequence, the technology and what it enables applies to them. Their customers are greater concerned with how it sounds, what’s the price, what is excellent, and so forth., and now not so much with how it’s far completed. Therefore the technology used is an awful lot, much less applicable to them.


Recently, I turned involved in a dialogue on Google+ approximately the new Motorola X phone. Many people on those posts slammed the phone for numerous reasons – price, locked bootloader, and so on. There had also been plenty of knocks on the reality that it did not have a quad-middle processor like the S4 or HTC One, which have been priced further. What they failed to hold close is that whether or not the manufacturer used 1, 2, four, or eight cores, in the end, makes no difference so long as the cell phone can deliver a competitive (or even first-rate of sophistication) function set, capability, price, and user experience. The iPhone is one of the most successful phones ever produced, yet it runs on a twin-center processor. It nevertheless provides one of the fine user stories available on the market. The capabilities that are enabled by the generation are relevant to the consumer, no longer the generation itself.

Consequently, the era’s relevance is as an enabler, now not as a product function or a competitive benefit, or any myriad of other things – an enabler. Looking for the Android-running gadget, it is an outstanding piece of software program technology, and but Google offers it away. Why? Because of standalone, it does not do anything for Google. Giving it away permits different agencies to apply their information to construct services and products, acting as enablers for Google’s services and products. To Google, it is where the actual fee is.

Leah Leonard

Coffee expert. Troublemaker. Typical music guru. Friendly beer fanatic. Introvert. Web specialist. Uniquely-equipped for implementing bullwhips in Ocean City, NJ. Spent a year importing licorice in Hanford, CA. Have some experience licensing cigarettes for the government. Once had a dream of selling toy monkeys in Las Vegas, NV. Spent the 80's working on hula hoops in Minneapolis, MN. What gets me going now is working with action figures in the government sector.

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