Internet Business Education
So you are thinking of starting an Internet Business, are you? Well, welcome to the most powerful Market Place in the World, the Internet, the World Wide Web. With over 1.6 billion people online, it is not surprising that this is indeed the world’s largest marketplace.
I’m sure that if you have found your way here, then you will have no doubt done an amazing amount of research on how to start your Internet Business Education. Or, you are seriously still searching for how to get the best education to ensure your success in your new adventure into “Internet Business Entrepreneurship”. Whatever your reason, I am glad that you stopped by, like the Internet, Business and Education are my passion, and I would love to share some essential knowledge with you. Competitors are stunned at the comprehensive nature of our platform, education, and resources.
Before you venture into the wonderful world of Internet Business, let me share 3 critical points you need to be aware of. In my opinion, if you get these three things right then, you will be on your way to success. Mindset ~ Education ~ Set-Up! I call this the “Vital Statistics” Mindset is the first vital statistic you need. Before you even think about an Internet Business, you need to know and understand the real reasons behind your decision.
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Many people think of the Internet as a Market Place where people can turn upset out their wares on the trading floor, go out to play, come home at the end of the day and find a bag full of money waiting for them. It doesn’t happen! Period! At least not on your first day, So don’t expect it, no matter what anyone tells you. So, time to get your Mindset right. If you are seriously looking for an Internet Business, then Education is a must, and your mindset must be…
- � Yes, I REALLY want to have an Internet Business!
- � Yes, I REALLY want my Internet Business to be successful!
- � Yes, I REALLY understand an Internet Business is a real business, and I have to work at it!
- � Yes, I REALLY am prepared to get educated, learn the ropes, and commit to my success!
Education is the following “vital statistic” necessary for your success. Sure some people can get on the Internet and fluke it… although I can tell you not many do, and if they do, it is usually very short-lived.
What I can tell you for sure and particular is that the “Internet Business” gurus that you see and hear about are very ” Dedicated Business Owners.” They have an evident and concise Mindset. They are not an “overnight success” story. They are men and women just like you and me, and they have made it “their business” to get educated! They made it “their business” to learn the skill sets necessary to be successful Internet Business owners.
Now for some really great news… I know many great Internet Business Entrepreneurs that are willing to share all of their secrets of success. The wonderful thing about owning an Internet Business is that nothing is a secret... the more you share the knowledge…, the more your business will grow and the more money you will make. And isn’t that what business is about at the end of the day? Work for Profit! So, time to get your Mindset right – time to get Educated and time to Set-Up your new Internet Business. The set-up I call this the “Vital, vital statistic.” When I was teaching children fundamental learning skills, I used a straightforward analogy that was easily understood. This analogy stands true for everything we ever learn, and I’d like to share it with you.
It goes like this:
- Q: “If you were going to build a brick wall, where would you start?”
- A: At the bottom, of course! Now that was pretty simple.
- OK, each brick in our wall is a little piece of knowledge, something new that we learn every day—just another brick placed on our wall of experience.
- Q: “What happens if we miss a piece of knowledge? That brick of information needed on our wall.”
- A: Simple, we’d have a hole in our wall, wouldn’t we?
- Q: OK, so now we have gaps in our wall ~ guess what’s going to happen?”
- A: That’s right, our wall of knowledge is going to fall, isn’t it?
- This is such a simple lesson for all of us… we all know that education builds upon itself.
We know that we need to learn the basics, and we know that we need to build on a solid foundation. We know that we can’t go to University before we’ve been to Kindergarten. Yet, how often when it comes to the Internet and setting up a business, do we hear that little voice in our head saying, “I know this, I can skip this step, I don’t need to read the instructions, I can sidestep that part, it’s not important!” As I said, Set-Up is the “vital statistic.” Get this wrong, and you have to go back and start over again, or, more importantly, you get frustrated, you lose both time and money, and then you truly understand the old saying, “learn by your mistakes
.”So what we have covered today is the primary education principles of Internet Business.
To have a successful Internet Business, you have to have the right:
- � Mindset
- � Education
- � Set-Up
My theory is why “learn from your mistakes” when you can learn all of the secrets, tips, tricks, strategies, and “know-how” from successful Internet Business Millionaires.